Monday, July 6, 2009

Sharing = Caring

Sometimes I feel as if I have knowledge within myself, that I did not consciously work towards retaining. I'm not sure I know how I attained some of this information, but deeply feel that I am supposed to be sharing some of this wisdom with anyone who wants to listen...

So hello blog world!

Throughout my journey here on Earth, I have learned so many things & yet I am able to continue to grow and expand my knowledge everyday. This simple fact amazes me. Thank you human body!

I feel my profession (Massage Therapy) was an essential component in opening my mind & heart the world surrounding me, which in turn has brought upon me this hunger for knowledge, compassion, respect, gratitude, peace, love, humanity, & acceptance.

From this amazing place I've found within myself, something tells me that there are people who would benefit from lessons I have learned, adventures I have delved, & the random (or not so random) things I do.

You should know that this blog is written by just plain ol' Bobbi jo Payne. One of many. I simply do not know it all, nor am I completely trained in all the aspects of what I will blog about. Take it for what its worth; letters arranged into words, that form sentences, paragraphs and thoughts. Nothing more, nothing less. Welcome to Bobbi's (blog) world :)